It is certainly possible to be a Christian in isolation, but we believe the support, friendship, and love shared in community brings us into deeper relationship with God than we could possibly find on our own. At St. Mark’s, we share hospitality in myriad ways throughout the year.
After services on Sunday morning, parishioners gather for coffee and goodies in the Undercroft below the church (or for lemonade on the lawn during the summer). Catered by different members each week, fellowship time allows us to catch up with each other and welcome new folks into our midst.
Several times a year, we forgo the forum hour between services and hold celebration breakfasts instead. This happens notably on Balloon Sunday (the Sunday after Labor Day) and the Annual Meeting (the last Sunday in January when we conduct yearly parish business). The food at these breakfast is, predictably, spectacular.
Part fellowship time, part mission to feed the lonely, our annual Thanksgiving Dinner delivers several hundred home-cooked and then packaged meals to area residents who have no place to go on Thanksgiving. The volunteers then join together in a meal themselves at St. Mark’s.
On the second Sunday in June, you can find members of the parish at a local park enjoying each other’s company, playing games, and eating great food off the grill. Watch out for the infamous egg & spoon races.